And hence RUMBA ADVANCE came to an end..
I missed the very first class of Rumba advance and hence the very basic step. It waz though pretty different from the regular Rumba basic that we have learnt in Basic batch. But I was happy about the new style, as I knew that was the one internationally accepted. The videos I had seen completely go by the new beat, starting not at 1 but at 2.
2-3 4--1
Well this time it was more stiff, crisp and tiring. Hmm by the end of the class, you can feel the strain on your arms. Well me writing this entry to make sure none of this skips outta my mind in the near future.
So here is a list of all the step and stuff I had learnt (thanx to miz Parul for her inputs):
1) Close hold - normal Ballroom dance couple hold.
2) Open hold - holding both hands at ladies waist level.
1) Pressed walk - short toe pressed walk.
2) Check walk.
3) Extended walk - extending foot walk.
1) Switch turn - the sudden jerk turn after twisting your leg a bit.
2) Spiral turn - the complete slow turn on one leg.
1) Rumba Basic Step.
2) Hand to Hand.
3) New York.
4) IEDA or watever way it is spelt - there are 2 versions.
5) Sliding Doors - bring lady on right side with and slide twice like a door.
6) Fan Alabana.
7) Hockey Stick - extension from Fan step.
8) Natural Opening out - lady on side, both facing same direction.
9) Opening Out - can open out on both sides.
10) Cuban walk (need to learn this).
11) Reverse Cuban walk - (need to learn this).
12) Rumba Walk - can be lead after taking the lady into IEDA step.
Well in case more comes to my mind I will update this entry. Also in case you more steps leeme know, I will add them.