C O N G R A T S to All for making this possible and coming this far. In case you got no clue what I am talking about, I am congratulating everyone for representing ~I N F O S Y S~ Pune in the Inter IT-Dance Competition 'Rang De Binary!' and getting back with the 1st Runner's trophy. This competition was held on the evening of 21st January, 2007 in Residancy Club, Pune. With 15 participating companies and 17 performances, securing the 2nd rank was tough but we made it. After all we are eSMART and eSEXY bunch of people. :)
And the 2 weeks spent with evenyone, have now become an unforgettable and inseparable part of my Life. With all the people I have interacted with, now keep a special corner in my heart. And I am sure everone is going to miss these amazing 2 weeks in the January winter of 2007, when few souls came together to give a performance on LOVE and in the process made such nice bondings among themselves. Sure we all goona miss time spent together, practicing hard with an aim to win.
So how did it all go, leeme tell you right from the beginning with pix speaking for themselves.
It was Friday 5th Jan 2007 (eveing @ Infy Amphi Phase 1) when I had come for auditions with my friend Shikha. Apparently both of us were apprehensive about making it through. And moreover I was sure that if it has to be, then only one of us might be able to make through it. Anyways going forward we gave our best shot. And guess what, we both were able to make it in the list of 12 selected people. Phewww...!!! 1st hurdle crossed. But Miles to Go............
Saturday 6th Jan 2007 ----- to ----- 20th Jan 2007 : An Experience
So here comes the part of the choreographer Vinod. We gotta know him well over these 2 weeks and mind you he has a real talent and a passion for dance. The steps what he taught were simply amazing, something we ourselves could never come up with.
Here is a pic taken in Vinod's studio called "Dance Oceans", located @ new D.P.Road. Good place to dance and practice around with full length mirror and amazing wall paintings. I am sure they must have hired a professional to do that delicate piece of work. Even the ceiling was painted in dark but on careful observation one can read DANCE OCEANS there.
Okie all beautiful people here, with simple clothes and believe me really tired. Well the energy levels on everyones face speaks for themselves. This pic was taken on 20th Jan 2007 @ 12:43hrs. I like being accurate you know. :)
Well this is me with my beautiful dance partner Kanika.
Hmm here is one more (taken around same time, same place) with everone trying to fit into picture perfect. All trying to put up their best Close-up smiles.
Well Chaitali you definately need a good sleep after working so hard and being around with us all the time. You are definately a part of this team and none of us will forget you late nights. But please take care of you back. As I said Yoga will definately help, if only you can spare 15min out of your buzy schedule.
Hey this is all Guyz stuff. Mast photu of all 5 dances (male). I particularily wanted this pic in B&W.
D-Day Pix: 21 JAN 2007 sometime late evening ...
Well this is one of the most un-forgettable moments that day. It was sharp 4pm when our group along with the choerographers and Chaitali went for a dry run at the venue. Sandy (in the picture below) was very excited like we all were, showing off our attitudes. But Sandy had other things in mind. To grab a seat just next to the pool of water, he jumped so hard that ultimately he fell in water. And we have to grap hold of him to avoid him from drowning in knee deep water. This pic was taken just after the great fall.
Now comes the Moment of Truth. It was a 5 min performance and in the blink of an eye it was over. It seemed chaotic to us, but the crowd enjoyed it, everyone appretiated it. We were the only team to get a "Once More" call from the crowd.
Here are few pix from the moment we all had put in our khoon and pasina. This one I admire a lot and so does Shradha (the pretty gal with pretty hair in the pic below).
And while receiving the Trophy. BTW forgot to mention that 'Milind Gunaji' was the chief guest. Must say a damm tall guy.
And here is our achivement. The Trophy.
Mentioned above is my point of view and I have descibed it in a way I look at things. In case you have any suggestions you can mail them to me, I will think about it :) The content and pix has been published with due care, not revealing critical info. I have missed out on many things but guyz I am a buzy person, and I need to get back to work. Might add stuff later. Like naman's shocking story just before the show.