MSW Christmas Special Salsa Party - 27 Dec 2008
Yet another memorable dance moment with Abhi.
Christmas and Salsa party. We just need an excuse to dance and Salsa. So dressed in Red and White we hit the dance floor on the night of Saturday 27th at Post-91. It was great and we had more people this time. My lill billi was in town and could make it to the party. Also was aby's sis n bia. Billi was glad to come out of the Ahmedabad gujju crowd to find some decent n cool crowd dancing to the music. The chinki couple's performance was a treat and was amazing. It really made "US" wonder how soon can we be like them. Giving a decent time frame of 6 months I hope we achieve that level. And I am glad this time with Aby, I did more of dance and less of steps. Shash's red scarf was a nice style, Girish was missed as he left early, Irisha was charming as alwayz in her new style. Suppi's leg was broken, but somehow he managed to dance a lill bit. Thats the spirit. I really danced a lot .. The bachata gave me some very special moments. And I had a different high with dance and no alcohol.
After party was a regular Loooooong Photo session where I could see Satte getting bored. :) And as usual dinner at Hotel Aroma with Bhaiya, Aby, Satte , Billi n me. So memoriez in pix .......Here with the ladiez...All v close people.
This is my sweel lill sis. Isn't she looking stunning.

Again a beautiful picture taken by me of Irisha and Abhi with Christmas tree in the backdrop.

Last but not the least the most imp pic.
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